Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pee Pee Magic

It's cookie season. I am a first year leader of a new troop. 25 eager and wonderful K thru 3rd grade girls. Luckily I have three other brave leaders that have jumped into this with me.

Did I mention it's cookie season? That doesn't mean just knocking out everyone's New Year's resolutions. If you're the mom of an ambitious wee girl and maybe the leader, it means trips around the neighborhood, Facebook appeals, cookie booths, and dreams about cases of cookies appearing out of the floor of your house and crushing you as you gasp for one. Last. Breath.

I say all of this to say that Monday night 100% of our girl scouts turned in their initial cookie orders. Some with money (think counting and receipts) and some with enormous totals and tallies. I spent the whole meeting plus another 30 minutes playing accountant.

Jeff called: "where are you?" I told him I was on my way and hurried home with Alyson.

We did not expect what we found. Kelly's little four year old face was lit up and glowing as she shouted "Pee pee magic, Mommy! Pee pee magic!"

I really though we had regressed through potty training or that our troublesome sheltie had decided to relieve herself on something special. But no. Jeff was sitting, haggard and defeated, on the hassock. The image was not the least mitigated by the rubber ducky towel in his hand.

It seems that while Jeff and Kelly were watching the captivating Selena Gomez as Alex Russo in reruns of Wizards of Waverly Place, the toilet in the girls' bathroom was overflowing with what can honestly be described as wild abandon.

Twelve hours later, the good water emergency people were handling me with kid gloves and tearing apart the house. Fully soaked subfloor in one bathroom. Half a floor soaked in the master bathroom. Water leakage into both bedrooms, master bedroom closet and bedroom. Then moving downstairs, feeling its oats, the water destroyed the music room ceiling and closet, and ran amuck in the storage room.

Torn up vinyl. Ripped up (and billowing) carpet. 13 blowers. 3 dehumidifiers. And no use of my dryer for 3 days - need the power outlet.

On the bright side, we have one working toilet (downstairs) and tub (upstairs). And no one has been hurt. :)

Another blessing is that we are fully insured.

The biggest blessing of all is that this happened on Daddy's watch, not mine. :)

I hope the remodel is done in time for the cookies. Heheh.

Hello Again

Hey, cool.  This is a good looking blog.  And whoa!  I'm wearing the same sweater I was the last time I posted.

This might be a good time for me to reawaken.